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BE – 1000 Brussels

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AUTHORS: Hans Rudolf Herren, Angelika Hilbeck, Ulrich Hoffmann, Robert Home, Les Levidow, Adrian Muller, Erin Nelson, Bernadette Oehen and Michel Pimbert
EDITORS: Angelika Hilbeck and Bernadette Oehen
PRODUCTION SUPPORT: Eva Berckmans and Eric Gall
PHOTO CREDITS: Pictures on cover, p. 28, p. 29 & back by Angelika Hilbeck; p. 8-9, p. 32 (left), p. 37 by IFOAM EU; p. 32 (right) by Marion Nitsch; p. 39 by IFOAM – Organics International

Picture front cover: Young smallholder farmer on his way to his field, Zanzibar, 2012

This publication is co-financed by the European Union, under the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). The sole responsibility for this communication lies with the IFOAM EU. The EASME is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.


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