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Rue du Commerce 124, BE-1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 280 68 44
www.organicseurope.bio & www.euorganic2030.bio
@OrganicsEurope on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & YouTube

For further information, contact your national Board and Council member or the office in Brussels.

With the support of:
This publication is co-financed by the European Union, under the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). The sole responsibility for this communication lies with IFOAM EU. The EASME is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.

IFOAM EU main sponsors in 2018:
Green Organics & Wessanen.

Editor: Eva Berckmans
Production support: Eduardo Cuoco, Verena Mitschke. Thanks to the IFOAM EU staff who contributed.
Photo credits: FiBL (RELACS kick-off meeting) in ‘IFOAM EU at a glance’, Monica Jacobs (IFAOM EU 15 anniversary) in ‘IFOAM EU at a glance’ and (4th OID) in ‘Improve – Inspire – Deliver’, Pauline Verrière (KGOF event) in ‘Organic on every table’, Triin Viilvere (all cover images of different chapters as well as non-event related images throughout the publication), Laura Ullmann (cover picture of ‘Organic on every table’), Tsvetelina Palatovska (SOLMACC final event) in ‘Improve – Inspire – Deliver’, Sigrid Griese (SOLMACC final event) in ‘Improve – Inspire – Deliver’, Hessen Representation (SOLMACC final event) in ‘Improve – Inspire – Deliver’, Adrian de Groot Ruiz (12th European Organic Congress) in ‘Improve – Inspire – Deliver’, Eva Berckmans (12th European Organic Congress) in ‘Improve – Inspire – Deliver’ and (5th Organic Processing Conference) in ‘Fair play – fair pay’

Layout: Atto & IFOAM EU

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